C&S provides a broad spectrum of downstream services and capabilities with resources for small to large projects. The C&S downstream services team has over thirty years combined experience working in conjunction with plant personnel to plan, schedule, and execute projects that are on time and within budget.
C&S has a company-wide commitment to employee and customer safety. We strive to maintain a level of customer service unsurpassed in the industry.
A partial list of services offered:
- Maintenance
- Turnarounds
- Capital Projects
- 24 Hour Emergency Response
- Specialty Welding
- General Mechanical
- Piping
- Demolition
- Commissioning
- Project Controls
- Contract Management
- Offsite Fabrication (Piping, Vessels, Steel)
- Field Fabrication & Assembly
- Engineering
- Process Piping
- Boilers, Furnaces & Reformer Retubes
- Vessel Fabrication
- Vessel Repairs, Re-Rates & Alterations
- Heat Exchanger Services
- Tank Repairs
C&S Facilities
C&S Corporate Facility in Kilgore, TX is 12.55 acres with over 60,000 sq. ft. combined shop and office space.
C&S Downstream Facility in Highlands, TX is 2.4 acres with 19,500 sp. ft. combined shop and office space.
C&S Carthage, TX Operations is an 8 acre laydown yard with a with over 4,200 sq. ft. combined shop and office space.
C&S also has a 7 acre laydown yard in Crosby, TX to support downstream operations along with numerous midstream facilities throughout West Texas that can be utilized as needed for all work out of our downstream division.
C&S strives to ensure that all employees are adequately trained on all safe work practices and safety policies.
The first line supervisor is tasked with the following duties & responsibilities:
- Make sure each and every employee is properly trained and aware of the task at hand
- Ensure that any and all employees are certified/qualified to do the desired task
- Make sure all employees are aware of the potential hazards involved with the task
- Ensure employees always adhere to C&S and/or client’s policies and procedures
Certifications & Qualifications
C&S Downstream service maintains the following quality credentials:
- Fully accredited ASME Code with “U”, “U2”, “S” & “R” Certificates
- Maintained and updated documentation:
- Code Data
- Weld History
- Weld Mapping
- PWHT & Reports
- Weld Procedures
- Welder Qualifications
- Material Test Reports (electronic & hard copy available for review)
- Quality Program updating & implementation by full time quality control manager
- Field and shop QA/QC inspectors
- New Procedure Development / “Job Specific” Procedure Development
- Complete quality documentation package developed for every project
- Welder training and skill development